Al-Alwani, Taha Jabir. “Introduction to the Fiqh of Minorities: Foundational Perspectives,” Year 5, Issue 19 (Winter 1420 AH/ 1999 CE), Pp. 9-29.
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فقه الأقليات - الفقه - الاجتهاد - الأصول - أمة التوحيد - الأقليات.

How to Cite

العلواني طه جابر. “Al-Alwani, Taha Jabir. ‘Introduction to the Fiqh of Minorities: Foundational Perspectives,’ Year 5, Issue 19 (Winter 1420 AH 1999 CE), Pp. 9-29”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 5, no. 19 (January 1, 1999): 29–9. Accessed October 2, 2024.


Taha Jabir al-Alwani’s article defines the meanings of fiqh (jurisprudence) and aqaliyāt (minorities) and notes the need for ijtihad (intellectual reasoning) and overcoming the inherited fiqh for methodological and other reasons related to achieving what is needed. It proposes the methodological determinants and uṣūl adopted in the field of the fiqh of minorities. It raises major issues in the subject before putting forward a principle pertaining to the relationship between Muslims and others. It describes two characteristics of the Ummah of tawḥīd, charity and production, and two characteristics of believers, positivity and upholding rights, 

offering by example the migration of the first Muslims to Abyssinia.
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