Al-Hassani, Ismail. “Maqāṣidī Thought and Engraining Scientific Thought,” Year 15, Issue 57 (Summer 1430 AH/ 2009 CE), Pp. 45-82.

الكلمات المفتاحية

scientific thought - maqāṣid - thought - Shariʿah - knowledge - fiṭrah - innate nature - maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah - ijtihad - fiqh - jurisprudence - intellectual reasoning - scientific methodology.

كيفية الاقتباس

الحسني إسماعيل. "Al-Hassani, Ismail. “Maqāṣidī Thought and Engraining Scientific Thought,” Year 15, Issue 57 (Summer 1430 AH 2009 CE), Pp. 45-82". الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر (إسلامية المعرفة سابقا) 15, no. 57 (يوليو 1, 2009): 45–82. تاريخ الوصول فبراير 19, 2025.


Ismail al-Hassani’s article begins by examining maqāṣid (objectives of Shariʿah) thought from a scientific perspective, holding that most studies have focused on the historical aspect. The article discusses several terms (e.g., thought, Shariʿah, maqāṣid, knowledge) and addresses the principles of maqāṣid thought (maṣlaḥah (interest), taʿlīl (ratiocination), fiṭrah (innate nature)), its methods (e.g., istiqrā’ (induction)), and its concepts (e.g., context and differentiation). All of this (i.e., maqāṣid principles, methods, and concepts) provide the means of which to arrive at the maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah (objectives of Shariʿah).

جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمعهد العالمي للفكر الإسلامي، ولا يسمح بإعادة إصدار هذا العدد دون إذن خطي مسبق من الناشر.

هذا المُصنَّف مرخص بموجب رخصة المشاع الإبداعي نَسب المُصنَّف - غير تجاري - منع الاشتقاق 4.0 دولي.

رخصة المشاع الابداعي