Sanu, Qutb Mustafa. “Between Idealism and Realism: On the Term ‘Uṣūlī Consensus’” Year 5, Issue 21 (Summer 1421 AH/ 2000 CE), Pp. 45-84.
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الإجماع الأصولي - العصر الراشدي - الاجتهاد - العصر الرسالي - المثالية.

How to Cite

سانو قطب مصطفى. “Sanu, Qutb Mustafa. ‘Between Idealism and Realism: On the Term ‘Uṣūlī Consensus’’ Year 5, Issue 21 (Summer 1421 AH 2000 CE), Pp. 45-84”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 6, no. 21 (July 1, 2000): 84–45. Accessed September 21, 2024.


Qutb Mustafa Sanu discusses the meaning of the concept of ijmāʿ (consensus) in the Prophetic era, then in the Rashidun Caliphate Era and beyond, noting the change in meaning on the one hand, and the change in the fields of its application and use on the other. He tells us that these changes rendered the notion of consensus as an idealistic notion ineffective on the level of guiding against adversities confronting the Islamic way of life. He notes that the condition regarding the concept of consensus remains as what it was. Sanu calls for re-establishing a practical concept of ijmāʿ to reflect the agreement of scholars and political leaders, and that the time has come to regain the effectiveness and realism to the consensus practice through correct ijtihad (intellectual reasoning).
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