عروض مختصرة

الكلمات المفتاحية

عروض مختصرة

كيفية الاقتباس

ملكاوي أسماء حسين. "عروض مختصرة". الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر 15, no. 60 (أبريل 1, 2010): 220–209. تاريخ الوصول أكتوبر 2, 2024. https://citj.org/index.php/citj/article/view/2643.


  1. مصادر المعرفة في الفلسفة الإسلامية المعاصرة، ضياء حبيب توفيق، عمان: دار دجلة، 2010م، 304 صفحة.
  2. المفارقات المعرفية والقيمية في فكر ابن خلدون الفلسفي، أبو يعرب المرزوقي، بيروت: دار الكتب العلمية، 2009م، 104 صفحة.
  3. أصول المعرفة والمنهج العقلي، أيمن المصري، بيروت: المركز الثقافي العربي، 2010م، 180صفحة.
  4. الاستشراف في النص: دراسة نقدية في استشراف المستقبل، عبد الرحمن العكيمي، بيروت: الانتشار العربي، 2010م، 236 صفحة.
  5. The Consequences of Ideas: Understanding the Concepts that Shaped Our World, C. Sproul, Crossway Books (June 30, 2009), 224 pages.
  6. How Do We Know?: Understanding in Science and Theology (Issues in Science and Theology), Dirk Evers, Antje Jackelen, and Taede Smedes, The Continuum International Publishing Group, (July 9, 2010), 240 Pages.
  7. Consequences of Hermeneutics: Fifty Years After Gadamer's Truth and Method, Jeff Malpas and Santiago Zabala, Northwestern University Press (15 May 2010), 428 pages.
  8. Ibn Khaldun: Life and Times, Allen Fromherz, Edinburgh University Press (March 1, 2010), 224 pages.
  9. Ibn Khaldun, Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster, Alphascript Publishing (November 10, 2009), 96 pages.
  10. Malthus, Darwin, Durkheim, Marx, Weber, and Ibn Khaldun: On Human Species Survival, Walter L. Wallace, Gordian Knot (January 1, 2009), 320 pages.
  11. Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History: a study in the philosophic foundation of the science of culture, Muhsin Mahdi, Islamic Book Trust, (July 1, 2009), 325 pages.
  12. Ideas that Matter: The Concepts that Shape the 21st Century, A. C. Grayling, Basic Books (March 30, 2010), 448 pages.
  13. Truth in Science, the Humanities and Religion, Balzan Symposium 2008, International Balzan Foundation, Springer; 1st Edition. edition (March 1, 2010, 200 pages.
  14. Beyond God: Evolution and the Future of Religion, Kenneth V. Kardong, Humanity Books (March 16, 2010), 294 pages.
  15. The Future of the Ancient World: Essays on the History of Consciousness, Jeremy Naydler, Inner Traditions (July 24, 2009), 320 pages.
  16. The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis, Jeremy Rifkin, Policy Press, (February, 2010), 688 pages.
  17. Advocacy and Objectivity: A Crisis in the Professionalization of American Social Science, 1865-1905, Mary Furner, Transaction Publishers (May 1, 2010), 392 pages.
  18. Origins of Objectivity, Tyler Burge, Oxford University Press, USA (April 28, 2010), 656 pages.
  19. Science and the Quest for Meaning, Alfred I. Tauber, Baylor University Press (September 1, 2009), 256 pages.
  20. The Promise of Salvation: A Theory of Religion, Martin Riesebrodt, University Of Chicago Press (March 1, 2010), 248 pages.
  21. Words and the Mind: How words capture human experience, Barbara Malt (Editor), Phillip Wolff (Editor), Oxford University Press, USA; 1 edition (March 1, 2010), 360 pages.

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