Khattaf, Hassan. “Applying the Unseen to the Seen and its Role in Forming Muʿtazilite Thought,” Year 11, Issue 44 (Spring 1427 AH/ 2006 CE), P. 91 - 128.
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Muʿtazilite thought - analogy - qiyās - applying the unseen to the seen - qiyās al-ghā’ib ʿalā al-shāhid - Zoroastrianism - Judaism - Christianity - Ḥanbalīs - Ashʿarites - Divine justice - kalām - theology.

How to Cite

الخطاف حسن. “Khattaf, Hassan. ‘Applying the Unseen to the Seen and Its Role in Forming Muʿtazilite Thought,’ Year 11, Issue 44 (Spring 1427 AH 2006 CE), P. 91 - 128”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 11, no. 44 (April 1, 2006): 128–91. Accessed July 17, 2024.


The Muʿtazilite school is considered one of the prominent schools of scholastic theology (kalām). Muʿtazilite thought most notably manifests in its refutation of beliefs held among non-Muslim traditions, such as those espoused within Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity, as well as certain beliefs held within Islamic tradition, such as those adopted among Ḥanbalīs and Ashʿarites. Hassan Khattaf’s article identifies some of the main features of Muʿtazilite thought, focusing in particular on the concept of “applying the unseen to the seen” (qiyās al-ghā’ib ʿalā al-shāhid) and attempting to convey its value. His article defines this concept, its pillars and source, its contribution in proving the Divine attributes and Divine justice, its impact in digressing from the Sunnah, and its relationship to reason, vision, intercession, and justice.
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