The Sociology of Islamic Art
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visual components
social messages
Islamic art
artistic sociology

How to Cite

Asfour, Mazen. “The Sociology of Islamic Art: An Analytical Reading of the Social Functions and Meanings of the Islamic Visual Text”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 30, no. 108 (October 21, 2024): 178–131. Accessed October 28, 2024.


Unlike other religious arts, Islamic art ‒ despite its avoidance of three-dimensional images ‒ has not been devoted to the service of religion or the narration of religious stories or stories of prophets and wars. Rather, this art’s visual discourse and texts have centered on the expression of spiritual, contemplative, and social messages condensed in the pure language of form and the semiotics of the inward, including the architectural, the abstract, and the decorative. The unique aspect of this art on the levels of form and content may lie in the way it combines the sacred and the profane in Muslim’s daily lives and affairs. There is an urgent need to develop an artistic sociology specific to Islamic art that emerges from a profound understanding of the true religion. To this end, this study extracts visual components with social dimensions which can provide the nascent science with a socio-visual vocabulary that can enrich subsequent studies that seek to identify clear and specific foundations and rules for this discipline in the future. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, this article is divided into two main sections. The first section, which is theoretical and focuses on overarching aims and origins, discusses the concerns of Islamic thought, specifically those related to the social role of Islamic visual art. The second section, which is practical, aims to reveal the social connotations and messages that Islamic art has employed in some of its visual, architectural, and decorative abstract components.
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