Al-Salahat, Sami. “The Characteristics of the Definitive Text in the Thought of Uṣūlī's,” Year 6, Issue 23 (Winter 1421 AH/ 2000 CE), Pp. 43-79.
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الأصوليون - النص القطعي - الفروع - الأصول - القرآن الكريم - التأويل.

How to Cite

الصلاحات سامي. “Al-Salahat, Sami. ‘The Characteristics of the Definitive Text in the Thought of Uṣūlī’s,’ Year 6, Issue 23 (Winter 1421 AH 2000 CE), Pp. 43-79”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 6, no. 23 (January 1, 2000): 79–43. Accessed September 12, 2024.


Sami al-Salahat’s article attempts to define the definitive text in language and usage. He treats twelve matters pertaining to definitive texts: 1) the scarcity of definitive texts in legal rulings, 2) definitive texts as representing the intention of the Legislator, 3) the primacy of definitive texts over the circumstances of time and place, 4) the flexibility of definitive texts being commensurate with their immutability and primacy, 5) the inclusiveness of definitive texts such that they encompass all terms and particulars pertaining to it, 6) definitive texts guarantee beneficial interest, 7) whoever denies definitive text is categorically an unbeliever, 8) definitive text does now allow for hermeneutical interpretation, 9) definitive text has only one source, 10) there is no conflict or contradiction between definitive texts, 11) definitive texts are achieved in uṣūl (principles) and furūʿ (branches) together, and 12) segmenting is not necessary when applying definitive text.
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