Arar, Mahdi. “The Semantic Depth of Qur'anic Text: A Facet of the Iʿjāz (Inimitability) of the Qur’an,” Year 7, Issue 27 (Winter 1422 AH/ 2001 CE), Pp. 43-62.
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انفتاح الدلالة - القسطلاني - ابن الأنباري - الإسترابادي - القرطبي - الطبرسي - الزمخشري - المبرد - الفقه - القرآن الكريم - تفسير القرآن - الانفتاح الدلالي - المستوى الصوتي - المستوى الصرفي.

How to Cite

عرار مهدي. “Arar, Mahdi. ‘The Semantic Depth of Qur’anic Text: A Facet of the Iʿjāz (Inimitability) of the Qur’an,’ Year 7, Issue 27 (Winter 1422 AH 2001 CE), Pp. 43-62”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 7, no. 27 (January 1, 2001): 62–43. Accessed July 17, 2024.


Mahdi Arar’s article explains the term “infitāḥ al-dalālah” (semantic depth) on the phonetic level, citing examples from Qur’an, and using texts from al-Qasṭalānī, Ibn al-Anbārī, and others. It then discusses the morphological level related to the construction of the word, citing Qur'anic verses, the views of linguists such as al-Ṣāḥibī, al-Istrābādī, al-Mubrad, and the views of Qur'anic exegetes such as al-Qurṭubī, al-Ṭabrisī, al-Zamakhsharī, and others. It then discusses the structural level, and then the lexical level, noting that the infitāḥ al-dalālah can sometimes be countered by semantic introversion. It concludes by holding that semantic depth may lead to the increase of fiqhī (juristic) rulings contained in a single Qur'anic verse.
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