Faridah Zuzu’s article examines the maqāṣidī (objectives of Shariʿah) perspective in addressing environmental issues, with the aim of extracting the manifestations that emphasize care and preservation of the environment and its resources , and to prove that preservation and care for the environment is among the maqāṣid stipulated by the Lawgiver. It uses the methodology of collecting scattered textual material related to the environment in the various fiqh literature, and induction from Qur’anic verses and hadiths pertaining to the environment. The research is theoretical in addressing the move from considering the topic a partial subsidiary matter in religion to a holistic ta’ṣīl (a framework established upon referral to principal Islamic sources). It emphasizes the importance of environmental care, preservation of environmental resources, and awareness of the importance of environmental education and its relationship with istikhlāf (vicegerency).
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