Double-Blind Peer-Review Process

Articles submitted to CITJ are subject to a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. All articles will be anonymized while under review and all reviews will be treated confidentially. At least two reports per manuscript are collected. A third review will be solicited if the first two differ substantially.

The blind peer-review/publication process includes: 

  • The Author writes a research manuscript and submits it online through the "Open Journal Systems"
  • The Editors do the initial screening and assign scholars in their area of expertise for blind reviews
  • The Reviewers review the manuscript according to the guidelines provided and verify the quality of the research
  • The Reviewers return the manuscript to the Editors with a recommendation to reject, revise or accept it (see below “Editorial decisions are made as follows”)
  • The Editors draft a decision and send it to the Author with the Reviewers' feedback
  • The Author implements the recommended changes and sends it back to the Editors
  • The Editors make a final decision to either reject it or send it to publication

Editorial decisions are made as follows:

  • Accept manuscript as submitted without further revisions.
  • Accept manuscript after revisions based on reviewers’ comments. Authors shall be given 4 weeks for minor revisions.
  • Request major revisions. Only one round of major revisions will be allowed. The revised manuscript needs to address all suggested revisions which should be completed within 8 weeks. Discretionary extensions may be granted in agreement with the Co-Editors. The revised manuscript will be returned to the reviewer for further comments.
  • Reject and encourage resubmission: The manuscript has serious flaws but could potentially make an original contribution. Authors will be encouraged to re-submit a fully revised manuscript.
  • Reject: The manuscript is academically flawed and makes no original contribution.