Muhammad al-Khayr’s article explores the elements of the scientific method in dealing with the Sunnah, explaining the steps followed by the scholars of hadith (muḥaddithūn) to deal with the hadith texts and detect deviations, excess, inversion, or disturbance in texts, documentation, and insertion, and exposing of flaws in hadiths. It addresses apparent contradictions between some hadiths and Qur’anic texts, or other ṣaḥīḥ hadiths, or belief-based reason or senses. It traces and explains the steps followed by a hadith scholar to revive the Sunnah in light of the contemporary reality, and is offers an in-depth discussion on the subject of understanding the Sunnah through a time-space dimension, the purpose or objective (maqāṣidī) dimension, the causal dimension, the linguistic dimension, and Sharʿiah (religious) and customary meanings of hadith.
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