Khalil, Wael Ahmad. “The Question of Freedom in Western Consciousness,” Year 8, Issues 31-32 (Winter 1424 AH/ 2003 CE), Pp. 245-284.
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الحرية - الوعي الغربي - الفلسفة الغربية - المنطق - الفكر الغربي - التوليد المستمر - المنهجية - الرؤية الكونية الإسلامية - الميثولوجيا الغربية - التأويل - تأويل العهد القديم - الأنساق الفكرية الأوروبية - الرؤية الكونية القرآنية.

How to Cite

خليل وائل أحمد. “Khalil, Wael Ahmad. ‘The Question of Freedom in Western Consciousness,’ Year 8, Issues 31-32 (Winter 1424 AH 2003 CE), Pp. 245-284”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 8, no. 32-31 (April 1, 2003): 284–245. Accessed December 3, 2024.


Wael Khalil’s article focuses on the need to analyze the concept of freedom from a historical Western perspective of the concept, and the need to achieve a developmental vision for knowledge. It addresses the concept of freedom by exposing the logic that led Western thought to be characterized as “continuously progressing,” discussing the methodological approach of Western sensibilities, interpreting contemporary scientific effects on Western thought, and addressing the Islamic worldview on the notion of freedom.  The article presents the nature of Western mythology and hermeneutic interpretation of the Old Testament (or classical hermeneutics), and philosophical and European intellectual patterns. It concludes with explaining the systemic formulation of freedom in the Qur’anic worldview.
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