Adnan Zarzour’s article is an attempt to address the spirit of reform and renewal in Ibn Khaldūn’s thought, his dealing with Sunnan (Divine universal laws) and maqāṣid (objectives of Shariʿah), and the rational tendency of his thought and culture. The article addresses the following topics: the Sunnan being the focal point of Ibn Khaldūn’s theory and not the state, ʿaṣabiyyah (solidarity), badāwah (nomadism), civilization, Ibn Khaldūn and al-Shāṭibī in comparison, the Sunnan and maqāṣid in Ibn Khaldūn's thought (as a demonstration of the critical and rational trend in his thought), and the caliphate and governance. The article concludes by demonstrating that Ibn Khaldūn's theory revolves primarily around social norms.
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