Al-Awadi, Rifʿat al-Sayyed. “Ibn Khaldūn and His Pioneering of Economic Studies: An Inquiry into the Epistemological Dimension,” Year 13, Issue 51 (Winter 1429 AH/ 2008 CE), Pp. 241-262.
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Ibn Khaldūn - economic studies - epistemology - determinism - philosophy of history - Khaldūnian thought - economic law - economics - ta’ṣīl - epistemological dimension.

How to Cite

العوضي رفعت السيد. “Al-Awadi, Rifʿat Al-Sayyed. ‘Ibn Khaldūn and His Pioneering of Economic Studies: An Inquiry into the Epistemological Dimension,’ Year 13, Issue 51 (Winter 1429 AH 2008 CE), Pp. 241-262”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 13, no. 51 (January 1, 2008): 241262. Accessed July 17, 2024.


Rifʿat al-Awadi’s article examines Ibn Khaldūn's views with respect to the epistemological standpoints of the philosophy of history, and the epistemological dimension in the establishment of the science of economics. The themes discussed include: Ibn Khaldūn and the philosophy of history (including Ibn Khaldūn’s thought in the philosophy of material interpretation of history, the causing factors of development in Khaldūnian thought, and the idea of determinism), and Ibn Khaldūn and the establishment of the science of economics (including the epistemological and analytical dimensions and economic law). The article concludes with a discussion of ta’ṣīl (a framework established upon referral to principal Islamic sources) of the epistemological dimension in economic studies.
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