Mustafa, Dhul-Nun Younis. “Emad al-Din Khalil: A Literary Critic,” Year 15, Issue 58 (Fall 1430 AH/ 2009 CE), Pp. 235-262.
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Emad al-Din Khalil - literary critic - Islamization of literature - Islamic literary theory - methodology - holistic approach - selective approach - poetry critique - rhythm - fiction - aesthetic approach.

How to Cite

مصطفى ذو النون يونس. “Mustafa, Dhul-Nun Younis. ‘Emad Al-Din Khalil: A Literary Critic,’ Year 15, Issue 58 (Fall 1430 AH 2009 CE), Pp. 235-262”. Al-Fikr al-islāmī al-muʿāṣir (previously Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah) 15, no. 58 (October 1, 2009): 235–262. Accessed September 12, 2024.


Dhul-Nun Younis Mustafa’s article presents the importance of a study on Emad al-Din Khalil, given that he is among the critics who contributed to developing the foundation for Islamization of literature (in theory and methodology) from the vantage of a faith-based perspective. The article discusses Emad al-Din Khalil as a literary critic within the following themes: towards an Islamic literary theory (including the path to methodology, the selective approach, holistic approach, aesthetic approach, and moderation in religion), and Emad al-Din Khalil in his applied literary criticism (including his critique of poetry and poetic rhythm).
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