Waraqiyyah, Abdul Razzaq. “Intent in the Qur'an Between the Formative and Legislative: A Maqāṣidī Approach,” Year 15, Issue 57 (Summer 1430 AH/ 2009 CE), Pp. 13-44.

الكلمات المفتاحية

intent - will - Qur'an - formative intent - legislative intent - maqāṣid - objectives of Sharīʿah - creation - ʿaqīdah - belief - jurisprudence.

كيفية الاقتباس

وورقية عبد الرزاق. "Waraqiyyah, Abdul Razzaq. “Intent in the Qur’an Between the Formative and Legislative: A Maqāṣidī Approach,” Year 15, Issue 57 (Summer 1430 AH 2009 CE), Pp. 13-44". الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر (إسلامية المعرفة سابقا) 15, no. 57 (يوليو 1, 2009): 13–44. تاريخ الوصول فبراير 19, 2025. https://citj.org/index.php/citj/article/view/1087.


Abdul Razzaq Waraqiyyah’s article discusses the concepts of intent and will, and their relationship with each other in the Qur'an using proofs from the text and from reason. It distinguishes between two types of intent: formative intent (creation), and legislative intent (requiring humans to seek knowledge), and argues that the formative intent necessitates the legislative intent, and each has characteristics and types. The article attempts to reconcile the differences between the two types and resolve their problematic issues.  It concludes that failure to distinguish between the two intents (in both classical and modern times) has caused confusion in understanding and disorder in thought, which results in deviations in ʿaqīdah (belief) and distortions in fiqh.


جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمعهد العالمي للفكر الإسلامي، ولا يسمح بإعادة إصدار هذا العدد دون إذن خطي مسبق من الناشر.

هذا المُصنَّف مرخص بموجب رخصة المشاع الإبداعي نَسب المُصنَّف - غير تجاري - منع الاشتقاق 4.0 دولي.

رخصة المشاع الابداعي